Do People Always Get Cancer Again

Why are and so many people getting cancer????

8 October 2015 12:l

Hullo everyone,

With figures that suggest fifty% of us wil be diagnosed with cancer at some stage in our lives, I dont think anyone will dissagree this is a frightening statistic. Someone has started a new thread, "Why practise we need new drugs", and this has caused me to write this mail service which I promise volition open up a contend.

Why are so there and so many people getting cancer? Is it the nutrient we eat, the air nosotros breath with vehical exhust fumes, our fashion of life that is causing this, or is it a combination of many differnt things? Is it but simply that nosotros are getting meliorate at detecting it? I have always believed the best way to find a cure is to notice out what is causing the problem in the starting time place, after all prevention is e'er the best route to have.

I only wondered what peoples views are on this. My own personal view is information technology is possibly down to a combination of factors only I would honey to hears other peoples views on this, Brian

Why are then many people getting cancer????

8 Oct 2015 14:00 in response to woodworm

Hi Brian ​ Similar you l think information technology is a combination of things but also detection is better and people are living longer. Years ago many people would have died of other things before they even got cancer. Illnesses that accept about been wiped out, child deaths and women in childbirth also work and poverty related deaths are now rare not the norm.

Why are so many people getting cancer????

8 Oct 2015 xviii:19 in response to woodworm

Brian, I think this thread could be quite contraversial!  My father died of a sudden in 1992 at the age of 77and there was a post mortem which showed he had a encephalon haemorhagge.  We were told by the pathologist that he had a very small neoplasm in his lung that had probably been in that location some time. He said had it been found and operated on at the beginning my begetter would have died many years before. I was told by my oncologist that we were all being used for inquiry and we just had to hope that our children or, more likely, our grandchildren may benefit.

Sorry, I am a bit depressed today.  I take just had my usual iv hour round trip to hospital for a 3 minute CT scan, simply to get dwelling house and find a letter saying I have to become again on Sun at ix.00am for a MRI browse. I reallydon't have the energy and just experience similar crying.

Why are and so many people getting cancer????

8 Oct 2015 xviii:44 in response to woodworm

Hi Brian

Expert question but non sure whatsoever of my generation will ever get the answer! Hubby's cancer was known to be linked to exposure to asbestos in his early childhood (father was in the roofing trade and bought the stuff abode to make toys out of).  Withal, there must be an underlying susceptability as his siblings show  no signs thank goodness. I retrieve the list of probable/possible causes are far reaching and we can simply hope with continuing inquiry/technological advances future generations will have seen some advancement.

In my Dad's example he had prostate cancer in his early 80'due south but chose to become without any handling and information technology was the seconday lung cancer which led to his death at 85. However he had survived his kickoff brush with decease during the war (lost a leg), 2nd near miss (his words) in his early lxx's when he suffered an  heart aneurysm which atomic number 82 to him having triple bypass and he said he had to go with something somewhen!!

My begetter in law had lung cancer in his 60'southward (very heavy smoker as was my hubby), had radiotherapy and a twelvemonth'due south remission enjoying retirement before  dying with pneumonia within 24hrs of being hospitalised.

It seems difficult to point the finger on one mutual cistron when it comes to and then many varying cancers.


Why are so many people getting cancer????

viii Oct 2015 19:04 in response to woodworm

Cancer really is the modern day plague.

More people are getting considering: People are more unhealthy, There are more toxins in the world, Better techniques mean its establish more, The modern world is more stressful and fast paced, People are living longer. Most nutrient contains stuff it did not fifty years agone.

I know of a few cases with family where they had cancer just did not know until information technology was very serious. For years they lived normal lifes, and the cancer was but found considering of a routine check upwards or small symptom, as soon equally they institute out, they went downwards hill very quick.

My gramps was equally fit every bit can be expected at 65, generally good health, he had an operation at 55 on his heart, and a routine scan 10 years later found a small stitch that was "not meant to be in that location". So the doctors said information technology had to exist removed.

Two days later on the performance to remove the sitch that was "not meant to be there" he was dead.

Sometimes, its better to let "nature" play out. With cancer or any other illness. I ever remember that, if leaving the cancer in place means a   shorter but higher quality of life, then I would (similar to think, but like shooting fish in a barrel said than washed) take that option.

Why are so many people getting cancer????

8 Oct 2015 23:x in response to woodworm

Cancer thankfully affects mainly older people and equally our life expectancy increases the cause of expiry volition increasingly be cancer. Obviously children and younger people go cancer but not in the same numbers. Cancers seem to be the outcome of damaged DNA where the cells are non able to repair themselves plus the immune system doesn't or is non able to destroy the damaged cells, which then multiply out of control.

Age seems to be a factor because the cells make less and less perfect copies of themselves each time they split.

We live with pollution which contains many known cancer causing chemicals. Radiations exposure from fallout from Chernobyl, long haul flights, excessive UV sunlight exposure from strange holidays and sunbeds. Our modern diet, processed foods, lack of roughage, chemical additives, excess alcohol. Maybe a combination of these factors cause our immune systems to exist compromised allowing cancers to take hold.

Smoking, most people in my generation did at some point. Asbestos, we didnt know back so. Lack of excercise, people are condign increasingly sedentary.

People as well used to die of diseases and medical weather (which are treatable at present), long earlier they could get cancer.

Many viral infections tin cause cancer and modern lifestyles hateful nosotros are more exposed them. Hopefully the new HPV vaccine for girls will mean cervical cancer volition exist a disease of the past.

There's loads more only as we can't avert them all, its best probably to just become on with enjoying life and non spend time worrying (probably a cause of cancer itself)  Kim

Why are then many people getting cancer????

eight Oct 2015 23:39 in response to Pauline4

Hi Pauline

Im sorry to hear you are down in the dumps today. The trips to and from the hospital are more wearying than anyone not having cancer tin can imagine. Your trips also mean having to wait for results, always a harrowing time. I know how utterly defeated this disease can make you lot feel and I hope tomorrow brings yous some free energy to deal with your situation. I'1000 in the same gunkhole equally yous today then too hoping tomorrow is a amend day as well. Kim

Why are and so many people getting cancer????

nine Oct 2015 00:38 in response to kimchoson

It is besides late in the day for me to remember of a useful contribution to this thread - the trunk is willing simply the brain is not at 0.30am!  However, I just wanted to ship both Pauline & Kim a hug and hope that you both notice that tomorrow is a better solar day. The sun should exist shining so thats a bonus!

Practiced days and bad are a office of this blooming affliction for many of us, but we are and then fortunate to have found some peachy virtual friends to share them with. Hope you sleep well ten

Why are so many people getting cancer????

ix Oct 2015 09:14 in response to max56

Hi Max

Thanks for the kind words, today IS another day, and after a foggy outset the sun is at present shining, I'll see if I can become you a chore at the Met Office.    After my foggy start I am up and running and looking forward to the day Happy Kim

Why are and then many people getting cancer????

9 Oct 2015 15:31 in response to max56

Hello, Max and Kim, thanks for the kind words and glad you experience better today Kim.  I phoned the infirmary and they have inverse my. MRI to side by side Sunday, 18th. Then that gives me time to jiff over again.

Yous are and so right about the food,in particular, Kim.  I was reading today that all bananas are picked when they are green and sprayed with a chemic to make them go xanthous.there was a time when all our fruit was ripened naturally on the tree.

Sending you a huge hug also, Max.  Thanks for all the support. 10

Why are so many people getting cancer????

seven February 2016 06:31 in response to woodworm

hi im a new to this take a few thoughts of my own firstly on the cancer stats . the cdc when i concluding looked had definded cancer as some 35 difrent disease .why? what for? as for the cause recently i seen a profesor talk about cancer saying that h polri was at the centre of cancer which makes sence . so this got me thinking about were did it come from how did it get into my system i suspect information technology came via gmo insectiside sprayed over thosends of people down under here in nz. then there aer things that come up to listen our water is has floride. man suvived centries with out it . then these the vacines shoved into children without there informed concent . the list goes on and on every bit im certain the lies go on and on it dose seem to be a cancer indusrty . anyhow .  cheers donna

Why are so many people getting cancer????

5 Mar 2016 02:21 in response to woodworm

Stress stress and more stress! Along with additives to our foods. Chemicals everywhere and much improve detection. Having said that information technology doesn't make it any easier.  I have just been diagnosed with lung cancer and had my right upper lobe removed and at present have lymphoma. I have had an incredibly stressful life and I feel that is the master culprit to this. Healthy eating, exercise and happiness are the central to good health and longevity in my opinion. God anoint.

Why are so many people getting cancer????

nine Mar 2016 sixteen:59 in response to shana

I'yard not quite sure I purchase into this "chemicals everywhere" narative - I think it's a lot more complicated

For a offset nosotros accept much cleaner air than we did a couple of generations ago - true there are more cars but in that location is no pb in Petrol, the make clean air acts banned the burning of solid fuels that used to create smogs we use natural gas rather than coal derived gas and coal fired powerstations are slowly existence phased out.

We now accept food standard agencies that are much more vigilent about what goes into nutrient, there is better testing and monitoring and of course very few people smoke at present compared to say 70 years agone when most everybody did

That'southward what I thought until I looked at the numbers

OK this is the The states but I'll bet it's not far off for the UK

At that place's a surprise for you - the lung cancer rates peaked massively between the 70's and 90s for men they barbarous speedily merely for women not and then.

Then why?

Well ameliorate detection probably meant that people were properly diagnosed with lung cancers whereas before many volition probably accept been diagnosed equally TB as it was then prevalent - that would explain the big uptick

But why have women's numbers stayed and then loftier? - Smoking - women take not stopped smoking in the way that men have

We all exhale the aforementioned air so  all the air acts all the pollution control all the coal fired stations don't brand annihilation similar the effect that smoking does

As for the other cancers they're generally on the decline

Some other factor yous accept to remember is our age - we volition by and large be of a certain age here and that is an age where cancer is more common. Our friends and familly willbe more likely to exist developing information technology giving usa the impression that it'southward more than common.

Much similar when nosotros were in our late twenties and it seemed that everybody was getting married and when we were in our 30s everybody seemed to exist having children

Why are and then many people getting cancer????

ix Mar 2016 17:44 in response to GrahamM

Thanks for the link.

An interesting role of the commodity was the dusting walls of houses with DDT it to kill malaria carrying mosquitos. My female parent used to finely dust the inside ledge of the pantry (few had fridges in those days) to impale ants, 1 dusting would concluding for the unabridged summer.

I call up local farmers stockpiling it to use subsequently information technology was banned, the good quondam days eh, when mercuric oxide seed dressing was mixed with seed with a shovel and no protective mask or gloves and cattle were treated for warble fly (which can ruin hides) with a powerful organophosphate poured on their backs again without gloves. I wonder if any cancers were acquired by these practices.

Why are and then many people getting cancer????

9 Mar 2016 17:46 in response to woodworm

They say it tin can be smoking, drinking, unhealthy lifestyle, sure these tin all contribute to an increased take chances of cancer, I don't call up in that location'south any definite reason, it's a horribly cruel disease abd the sooner there is a cure the ameliorate, they are making progress with various treatments then let'southward stay hopeful for the future


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